Bruce Kraselsky
Bruce is a seasoned entrepreneur, with 30+ years’ experience turning technology-related concepts and six startups into successful businesses. He started X-Hab 3D in response to a request by the State of Alaska’s Head of Economic Development to identify new technologies to help solve the state’s rural housing problems. His first step was to secure the participation of Penn State’s Additive Construction Lab in an assessment of 3D concrete printing’s viability for this purpose. The rest is history.
Social impact is a key element of Bruce’s entrepreneurial drive. 3D Concrete Printing, for example, will change the global construction industry and make housing available to many of the 1.2B households worldwide who currently can’t afford it. Bruce’s other social impact startups include Pacific Dataport, launching the first privately owned high-throughput satellite system with complete coverage of Alaska, making affordable broadband available to all areas of the state—no matter how remote—and AfriHUB, an e-learning/human capacity building enterprise in Nigeria that has trained more than 1.2M university students, teachers, civil servants and others in IT literacy and career certifications. Bruce has a B.A. in Economics and a J.D. from the University of Florida.